The Nigeria Internet Governance Forum (NIGF) is a renewed collaborative effort of internet stakeholders in the country to help provide a coordinated mechanism for domestic multi-stakeholders participations in the regional and global internet governance, and to help facilitate partnerships, coalitions and dialogues that redefine Nigeria position at regional and global IGF meetings.
The Nigerian Internet Governance Forum (NIGF) is Nigeria’s foremost multi-stakeholder forum on internet and digital policy issues. We serve as an interface to bring all players involved in the Nigerian Internet Ecosystem together to discuss public policy issues related to key elements of Internet governance in order to foster the sustainability, robustness, security, stability and development of the Internet in Nigeria.
The forum that took place last year in Abuja and on online platforms brought together over 200 representatives from government, civil society, private, academia and business sectors to address crucial public policy issues facing the internet in Nigeria. At the annual meeting, delegates from across Nigeria discuss, exchange information and share good practices with each other. The NIGF facilitates a common understanding of how to maximize Internet opportunities and address risks and challenges that arise. The Nigerian IGF is a national initiative of the global United-Nations-convened Internet Governance Forum, which holds annual meetings at different locations around the world.
The NIGF is therefore expected to provide a motivating mechanism for annual gathering of domestic stakeholders driven through multi-stakeholders partnership framework.
The Nigerian IGF will produce a report detailing the idiosyncratic, regional priorities facing Nigerian stakeholders in attendance. This report will then be fed into the global IGF.
The NIGF Multistakeholder- Advisory Group
The activities of NIGF are coordinated through the effort of Local Multi-stakeholder’s Advisory Group (LMAG) which comprises of the following representatives from public and private sectors.
Mr. Adesola Akinsanya
Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA)